What's Happening at the Symphony
What's Your Music: Matthew Aucoin, Festival Curator

Composer, conductor, Macarthur Fellow – and our very own Hearing the Future festival curator – Matthew Aucoin shared his music with us. If you go to any concerts this January, don't …


What's Happening at the Symphony
Behind the Scenes of Noel Noel with Sameer Patel

The holidays are in full swing at the San Diego Symphony. Copley Symphony Hall at Jacob’s Music Center is decked out in lights and greenery and rehearsals have begun for …


What's Happening at the Symphony
What's Your Music: Jahja Ling

We often ask you to Find Your Music with the San Diego Symphony, but now we're flipping the question and asking some of our musicians, guest artists and Symphony …


What's Happening at the Symphony
Changing lives through music and Young People's Concerts

The San Diego Symphony passionately believes music is for everyone. Young or old, everyone should have the opportunity to experience the gift of music and as San Diego’s leading arts …