What's Happening at the Symphony

Changing lives through music and Young People's Concerts

The San Diego Symphony passionately believes music is for everyone. Young or old, everyone should have the opportunity to experience the gift of music and as San Diego’s leading arts organization, we take that sentiment very seriously.
Local schools, from elementary to high school, have the opportunity to come to the Jacobs Music Center to see a Symphony concert and learn about music in our Young People’s Concerts. These Young People’s Concerts, inspired by Leonard Bernstein’s Young People’s Concerts broadcast on PBS in the 1960s, are one-hour, interactive concerts held three times per year.

For most of these children, it is their very first time hearing a live orchestra and stepping foot inside the Jacobs Music Center – and for some, their first time seeing downtown San Diego.

"My favorite thing about YPCs is telling these kids that this space – our concert hall – is for them. This concert is for them and belongs to them,” said Manager of Community Engagement Chelsea Allen.

More than 6,000 students and teachers from 28 San Diego districts enjoyed the first YPC of the season in October.
"The whole experience was fantastic. The students absolutely loved everything about the experiencing the music and learning about the instruments and the science behind how they work,” said one Pence
Elementary teacher.

When arts funding is harder to come by in public schools, supporting the opportunity to allow the arts to enrich the lives of local students is even more meaningful.

"If music is life-changing for one person, then it is life-changing for us all,” said Allen.


Click here to learn more about our next Young People's Concerts in February and how your support can help make this program possible for local schools.

This post was written by Marketing Content Editor Kelly Hillock.

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